The Functional Side of Security: How to apply FPA to a typical non-functional attribute

  • 28 May 2018
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • webinar

The Functional Side of Security: How to apply FPA to a typical non-functional attribute

Who - Presentatore:
Luigi Buglione (GUFPI-ISMA)

What - Abstract
Security is one of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 characteristics, thus seen as a non-functional attribute and is also considered in IFPUG SNAP within §1.3. But are we sure that security wouldn’t have also its ‘functional side’? From the login process on, each functionality can be browsed and accessed only verifying that such user is allowed to do that but – at the same time – each passage must be logged because of the security system’s (user) viewpoint. Thus, the presentation will discuss and present – according to IFPUG FPA rules – which should be the way to consider both sides of security, including the ‘functional’ one and its impact on a final FPA count.

Why - Benefici
• What is ‘security’
• Coming back to definitions: FUR vs NFR
• How security is managed in a typical ICT system
• What is the role of measurement, FPA, and SNAP in security
• Which is the impact on your FPA counts

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